Thursday, August 23, 2012

Reflections On Term 3 Personal Performance

We had a long break and after that, we had to buck up and study hard again. Honestly, I would have to admit that after the holidays, I did not really want to study but just want to slack at home, however, during the second week, my "fighting will" was re-ignited. This term, I was quite worried at first when we heard that we would be learning more on Biology as when Chemistry was introduced to us last term, I did not performed well. I have read some books about biology beforehand because firstly, I was interested in Biology and secondly, it could help me now. Through the assignments, I would say that I am quite good at Biology. For my goal of getting an A1 this term, I revised a lot before the test. However, even if we do put in effort, sometimes, we do not get what we want to achieve. The questions asked were mainly Chemistry questions and also, whatever I studied, did not come out often. I got a B3 for this test and although I did not deprove, this result is definitely not satisfactory. Most of my peers, even those in remedial, could be able to get an A1 and yet I could not. I was quite depressed to know my results but I hope that for the EOY exams, I would be able to just get an A1. However, I think that it is my fault that I did not revise fully so that even if any questions come out, I would be able to answer them.
The topics that we learnt this term are as follows:

Models and Systems(Theme)-
1)Microscope, Cells and Structures(i.e. Draw cell diagrams, use a microscope, explain the significance of specialisation etc)

Adapted from:

2)Diffusion and Osmosis(i.e. Define diffusion and osmosis etc)

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1)Digestion(i.e. Explain process of digestion etc)

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2)Photosynthesis and Respiration(i.e Compare them)

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I enjoyed the lessons regarding the digestion the most for this term as it is very interesting. Although we learnt this in primary school already, we were taught something more in-depth. Last time, we were only taught about the stomach, mouth, small intestines, large intestines and rectum but this time, we were taught about the oesophagus, liver, gall bladder and the type of enzymes the different parts of the system contains and release. Also, for the topic of cells, we also learnt more than what we did in primary school, for example, in primary school, we only learnt the different parts of the cell and what they do but only in secondary school did we realise the significance of specialisation. As for the diffusion and osmosis topic, we actually already learnt part of it from the Brownian motion topic last term( the definition of diffusion) but for this topic, I find that it is actually quite easy to understand and I would say this topic is very fruitful as it applies in a lot of things, for example, in our cells.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Reflections On Term 2 Personal Performance

After a week's break, we had to get back to school and carry on with our studies. Our Science teacher told us that we were concentrating more on Chemistry this term. When I heard this, I was quite happy as I have always thought of mixing different solutions together and watch reactions occur. However, as time went by, I realized that chemistry is not totally fun and all but at times, can be tough. Soon enough, we had to do the term test.Due to time constraints, I left quite a few questions blank and sure enough, I got a 29.5/45 which is 65.7%. I was devastated when I got back my Science paper. It was a drastic deprovement, from a A1 to B3. However, I managed to look at things on the brighter side and decided to work harder for my next Science test. This maybe a tough path, but I believe that it can be done if I could put in more effort. Also, through this test, it signalled to me that I am not good in Chemistry. For next test, I would be hoping for an 80% and through my peers and teachers help, I think I would be able to achieve that. Although I did not score well for my test, I have learnt quite a lot of new things and believe that they will definitely help me in future works.
For this term, we learnt quite a number of topics, namely:

1)Classification of matter(i.e. Brownian motion, kinetic particle theory etc)

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2)Elements(i.e. distinguish between non-metals and metals etc)
3)Compounds(i.e. Recognize that they have particular properties etc)
4)Mixtures(i.e. Describe mixtures as two or more elements etc)

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5)Separation Techniques(i.e. filtration, evaporation to dryness etc)

1)Solutions and Suspensions(i.e. Distinguish between solute, solvent and solution etc)

The topic that I enjoyed most this term is the topics on Brownian motion. This is because I have understood the most and also learnt the most from this topic. Basically, this is a theory-based topic but it is quite fun watching it occur. For elements, compound and mixtures, I think that this topic is the one that I did not really enjoy as they are quite boring but in terms of Chemistry, this is the fundamental details so although boring, I would have to bear through it and learn as much as I can. For the separation techniques, it was through the Home-Based Learning and because it is through this method, I find it quite confusing at first but as I read through it again and again, I realised it is not that tough actually. For the solutions and suspension topics, it was actually just a brief introduction so I did not really learn much about it this term.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Reflections on Term 1 Personal Performance

Before I joined Hwa Chong, my Science grades were not very good, therefore, I was a little afraid that I would not be able to cope with Secondary Science. However, through the worksheets and assignments given by our Science teacher, I realized that I was coping pretty well. For the term test, I was hoping for an 80% as our Science teacher said that that was the benchmark for results considered good. In the end, I got a 80% and at that moment, I was ecstatic! Also, I ranked second in class, with two other classmates. I think that I was able to get such grades partly because the topics we were learning was relatively easy. As for next term, I would be hoping for a 85%. Overall, I think this term is quite a fruitful one as I learned some new things like drawing of apparatus et cetera. I hope that I can cope Science throughout my Secondary and Junior College.
For term 1, we learnt several topics, namely:

Science as an inquiry(Theme)-
1)Science and Technology(i.e. uses and benefits of Science)
2)Attitudes(i.e. Not to jump to conclusions)
3)Science Process Skills(i.e. inference etc)
4)Basic Laboratory Orientation(i.e. Drawing of Apparatus etc)

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5)Basic skills of plotting a graph.

1)Use of measuring instruments(i.e.metre rule, vernier calipers etc)
2)Physical Quantities and Units(i.e. prefixes like nano-, centi- etc)
3)Mass, Weight and Density(i.e. formula of density etc).

Adapted from:

I think that for this term, the topic that I like most is the one on attitudes. This is because it made me realise that a good scientist is not one that is only well-educated, but also one that has a good attitude. Basically, for the theme of Science As An Inquiry, I think it is overall quite easy to understand and is quite enjoyable learning about them. I think that for the measurements theme, it really requires a lot of calculation and formulas and is quite tedious to learn.